Understanding zgETH and Its Functions

Zero-G Finance is a liquid restaking token (LRT) protocol and zgETH is Zero-G's LRT. zgETH represents a user’s restaked position in Zero-G. When users deposit liquid staked tokens (LSTs) and native Ethereum (ETH), they receive zgETH.

LRTs serve multiple purposes. zgETH is a reward-bearing token whose value will increase intrinsically respective of a few factors and is capable of various different functions.

  • The foundational restaking engagements generate rewards, which are mirrored in the valuation of zgETH.

  • Rewards are received in the form of ETH, USDC and Actively Validated Services (AVSs) reward tokens.

  • zgETH tokens represent fractional ownership of the total amount of underlying assets in Zero-G Finance.

  • zgETH can further be leveraged in DeFi.

  • Restakers can swap their zgETH tokens for other tokens on AMMs for instant liquidity or choose to redeem underlying assets through zgETH contracts.

zgETH allows users to stake their LSTs and native ETH while remaining liquid.


Users can unstake their position at any time. However, the timeline for withdrawing your position can be subject to the specific restaking strategies in place, requiring a minimum of seven days due to the stipulations set by EigenLayer. This duration can fluctuate based on the particularities of each AVS.

There is no fee or penalty for unstaking your position and withdrawing from the protocol.


zgETH withdrawals are disabled at the moment. You are encouraged to supply liquidity or sell zgETH on an AMM.


  • 0% fee on EigenLayer Restaked Points. Zero-G passes 100% of any EigenLayer rewards onto users.

  • Fees are split between protocol reserves (treasury) and Zero-G node operators.

To mint zgETH, please visit zerog.finance/restake to stake your ETH or LSTs.

Last updated